Relationships and Sleeping

Most couples enjoy sharing a bed – but that doesn’t mean it’s a perfect situation. Nice as it may be to have your partner close, sleeping beside someone else can make it a lot harder to get the sleep you need. The good news is that this problem is hardly unique. In fact, most couples require some communication and coordination before they’re able to sleep soundly together. Here are some tips to help turn your bedroom into a space that’s relaxing and restful for everyone.
Use the Right Size Mattress
There’s only one solution for a mattress that’s too small for two people: get a bigger one. Since most single people buy mattresses that suit the needs of one person, new couples often discover that their communal bed is too small. Sleep needs and preferences can also change over time, leading a couple that’s been fine sleeping in a smaller bed to want to upgrade to a King or California King. Potentially add pets and kids to the mix as well, and it’s clear why a lot of couples get the biggest bed they can fit in the bedroom. A lot of couples’ sleep issues can be resolved simply by giving everyone enough space.
Address Snoring Head On
About half of all people snore. Most bedrooms contain at least one person who snores, and while it’s not a problem for everyone, it’s a big disturbance for some people. Instead of trying to be polite or get used to the nightly noise, address the snoring issue head on. It could be a sign of a more serious health issue, so your partner should get checked out by a doctor. Special pillows, nasal strips, and other products promise to cut down on snoring, but it may take some experimentation to find a treatment that works. It’s worth the effort, though, because both partners should be able to sleep peacefully through the night.
Discuss Your Preferences
Don’t assume that just because you like being together automatically means you’ll sleep perfectly together. Sharing a bed takes an honest and ongoing conversation. Both partners should share how they prefer to sleep – the level of contact, noise, temperature, screens, morning routine, etc. – and what annoys them about sharing a bed. If you’re not on the same page about something, discuss how you’ll compromise. Ideally, you’ll have this conversation early in your relationship, but it’s important to bring it up again periodically. You should also be willing to listen when your partner wants to discuss issues with your shared bed.
Prevent Tossing and Turning
It’s the definition of a rude awakening when your partner’s arm or leg crashes into you in the middle of the night. A bigger mattress can help, not only because it gives you more room but also because uncomfortable mattresses cause most tossing and turning. If your current mattress is more than 5-6 years old, it’s close or past the expiration point. And if your partner is new to your bed or dealing with the onset of a healing issue, the current mattress may not support his or her sleep needs. Even if you don’t need a bigger mattress, upgrading to a newer one crafted using the best of today’s sleep science can help minimize restless sleeping – not to mention give you a nicer sleeping surface too.
Schedule Your Sleep
Perhaps you like to fall asleep early while your partner prefers to stay up. Then, in the morning, you want to jump straight out of bed while your partner likes to linger under the covers. There’s nothing wrong with being on different sleep schedules as long as you’re both in agreement about them. There’s also plenty of room for compromise. For example, if you want to turn in early but still want to be close to your partner, perhaps they would agree to read or browse their phone in bed with you. The next day when you’re up early, show the same courtesy by quietly leaving the bedroom while your partner continues to sleep.
Respect the Bedroom
Bedrooms should really be only for sleeping and sex. It’s tempting to relax in the bedroom, especially when you have kids, but then the space quickly fills up with books, papers, cords, dishes, and all kinds of other ephemera. In addition to getting cluttered, the bedroom becomes a live/workspace instead of a sleep sanctuary. Being surrounded by distractions only makes it harder for both of you to focus on what matters – each other and sleep.
Be Practical
Some couples sleep in separate beds or even in separate rooms. It’s not an indictment of their relationship- it can still be full of love and intimacy. But the simple fact is that some people can’t share a bed, and the best solution is to look for an alternative. It may take some getting used to, but if it results in one or both of you getting better sleep, separate beds could ultimately bring you two closer together.
Plan a Date to Sit ‘n Sleep
It’s hard to overstate how important good sleep is to a good relationship. If someone in your bedroom isn’t sleeping, both of you should visit a local Sit ‘n Sleep superstore. With 38 of them located throughout Southern California, there’s sure to be one close to you. Tour our extensive inventory of mattresses from all the top brands at a wide range of price points. More importantly, try out some mattresses with your partner and figure out what works for both of you. The sleep experts at each of our superstores are here to help you explore your options and find compromises when necessary. Plan a visit sooner rather than later, and please contact us with questions.